District Meeting – Meade Kansas

Thursday, April 28, 2016
(includes 4 hours of CE and/or CLE)
Meade:     United Methodist Church         Registration/Welcome                9:30 a.m.
                203 N. Park                           Speaker TBD                            9:40 a.m.
                Meade, Ks 67864            

                                                            Death, Same Sex, &

                                                           Other Title Topics                   10:00 – 10:50

                                                           Dave Scott
                                                           Kansas Secured Title
                                                             Abstract Updated                   10:50 – 12:00
                                                            Jerilyn Stull
                                                            LaCrosse Title & Abstract, LLC                             


                                                             Lunch                                      12:00 – 1:00

Host:         Shelly Axtell                          President’s Report – Eric Schibi    
                Meade County Title                 Pres. Elect Report – Jerilyn Stull            
                                                             Treasurer Report – Jill Isernhagen
Cost:         $30/person                            Legislative Report – Randy Barbour                      
                 $150 ea. for CE & CLE Credit        

                 $200 for both CE and CLE Credit    

                                                           What’s Hiding in Your

                                                              Closing Instructions              1:00 – 1:50                                                                     Joe Shields

                                                      First American Title Insurance Company

                                                          TRID Issues Lender Panel          1:50 – 2:50
                                                          Fawn Berger Moderator
                                                          Regier Title