SCPA’s website and electronic communications offer online display and classified advertising opportunities. Display ads may include links to advertiser’s website. SCPA distributes monthly electronic communications.

Display and classified advertisements less than 150 words: $100/month or $250/3 months

Display and classified advertisements exceeding 150 words: $150/month or $400/3 months.

*SCPA is open to additional sponsorship propositions. Email for more information.

Advertisements accepted on our web site must be consistent with the American Psychological Association Ethical Principles
of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. SCPA will not accept advertisements from organizations/individuals who discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, color or national origin. SCPA does not accept adult content, links to illegal activity of any kind, or other content deemed inappropriate by the SCPA Staff or Board of Directors. SCPA reserves the right to remove an ad without notice and without providing a refund if an organization or individual is found to be in violation of any of the above.