Why Join SCPA?

  • Promoting Psychology as a discipline, a science, and as a profession by educating and communicating to the public the expertise and activities of psychologists AND providing psychologists the training and tools to do this in their own communities.
  • Special Interest Divisions  are the opportunity to join a division that focuses on the special interest areas of psychology.  The current divisions include:  Division Psychologists in Private Practice, Division of Academic Psychology, Divisions of Public Service Psychologists, Division of Society for Multicultural Services, Division of Women in Psychology, Division of New Psychologist Network, and the Division of Doctoral Level Professional Practice.  Other divisions can be formed within the guidelines of Division Development as outlined in the policy of SCPA.  Other divisions can be formed through the process outlined in “Division Policy and Procedure”
  • Exercise Social Responsibility by striving to improve the quality and delivery of mental health services
  • Your Legislative Voice in matters that effect the profession on a state and federal level
  • Outstanding Continuing Education with a variety of speakers and topics that will be sure to please psychologists from all areas of practice
  • Quarterly Web Conferences scheduled throughout the year for your convenience
  • Monthly E-Newsletter with job opportunities, member classifieds, continuing education opportunities from around the country, and legislative updates
  • Network Opportunities through sponsored events and our interactive website
  • Discounts on all SCPA Events
  • Discounts on Jobs and Classifieds Postings in publications and website
  • Discounts on products and services that are endorsed by SCPA
  • Access to a Variety of Listservs, Discussion Boards, and more to keep you in touch and informed
  • Patient Referral Network As a member of SCPA, you have the option to receive referral requests through the SCPA referral network.  Divisions take the referrals a step farther and offer colleagues to colleague referrals as well as more specialized discussions that may lead to enhanced practice contacts.
  • Speakers Bureau If you are interested in being referred for various types of public and professional speaking engagements,sign up for the speakers network.
  • South Carolina Academy of Family Physician’s Psychologist Referral 

SCPA Needs YOU to:

Provide Feedback- You are the best source of information about local issues which affect professional interests and activities

Energize our Committees-  The committees of the profession operate to serve you- Awards, Academic, Continuing Education, Ethics & Professional Practice, Disaster Response, Finance & Personnel, Information & Public Relations, Legislative, Membership, Nominations & Elections, Peer Advocacy, and Program

Give the Profession Clout- There is a power in numbers, and each additional member increases our ability to educate, to advocate, and to serve both psychologists and consumers.

Share Your Talents and Expertise
 with colleagues and future psychologists and to insure continuity as the leader in representing psychology in South Carolina.