Poster Presentations:

The South Carolina Psychological Association is pleased to announce the call for Student Posters at its 2025 Annual Conference.

Posters will be judged on professionalism and the soundness of their theoretical rationale, method, and conclusions. We welcome submissions related to any area in psychology.

Poster Presentations: Call for Student Presentations Opens September 4, 2024 and closes Feb. 24, 2025. Students enrolled in South Carolina psychology programs are invited to attend. Interested students will need to submit application along with poster abstracts by the Feb. 24 deadline. Students will be notified of acceptance by March 3. Poster Presentation Application cost is $50. One-day registration is $75.

Poster presentations should include problem, participants, procedures, results and conclusion. Abstract should be 300-500 words submitted as a Word Doc or PDF.

Posters will be evaluated and top three scoring highest points will receive $300, $200, $100 prizes. Posters can have multiple authors, but only one award per poster will be given. Lead author must be present for poster to be judged in competition.

Presentations should be prepared on an 8’ x 4’ laminated poster.

Complete and remit form with $50 fee.

***Poster submission deadline is Monday, February 24th***

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