2019 Academic Day
The 2019 SCPA Academic Day event will be held on Thursday November 7 at Spears Concert Hall at Columbia College.
Over the past 20 years, the South Carolina Psychological Association has hosted hundreds of students, professors, and other psychology professionals and leaders at our annual Academic Day events.
9:00-10:00 Registration (Goodall Gallery outside Spears Concert Hall)
10:00 Welcome and Announcements (Spears Concert Hall)
10:15 Graduate School Panel (Spears Concert Hall) –Representatives from graduate programs in clinical, community, and school psychology
11:15 Keynote Speaker (Spears Concert Hall)
“The colorful side of psychology: exploring how color influences social thinking and emotions”
Dr. Adam Pazda, USC Aiken
12:30 Lunch (BLC 201/202)
1:30-3:00 Quiz Bowl competition (Spear Concert Hall)
Quiz Bowl Rules
- Teams: The teams will represent the psychology departments from the various schools. Each school can be represented by only one team. A team may register as many quiz bowl players as they desire, however no more than eight players can participate for a team during a specific set of questions. Team member may be substituted before a particular set of questions is asked.
- The questions will be in multiple-choice format and will come from seven categories representing the following different areas of knowledge in psychology:
- abnormal
- learning and memory
- developmental
- research methods and statistics
- physiological/ biological basis of behavior
- social
- personality
There will be five questions from each of the seven categories for a total of 35 questions.
- Procedure: The moderator will randomly select a category and each team must select the players that will compete in that category. No more than eight players can participate for a team during a set of questions for a specific category. Substitutions can be made only after the category has been announced but before the first question from that category has been asked. Each team will have a time limit of 1-minutes to give their response to each question. All players can confer on each question but each team must designate a captain who will be responsible for giving their final answer.
- Progress and Scoring: After all teams have registered their final answer, the moderator will reveal the correct answer. Teams will receive one point for each correct answer. The scores for all teams will be tallied and displayed after each round. After all questions have been asked, the team that answered the most questions correctly will be the winner.
- Ties: If there is a tie after all the multiple-choice questions have been answered then the tied teams will be allowed to answer a free response tie-breaker question in which the correct answer contains a list of components. The team that correctly identifies the most of the components will be the winner. Additional free response tie breaker questions will be asked as needed until a winner is established.